
Lucid Dreams Massage

A Light to Medium Pressured Slow Melodic Massage that wilts the very fabric of responsibility. Enter a consciously aware dream like state of euphoria and cerebral liberation. Experience a paradise of bliss and timelessness where nothing even matters and your mind escapes the bitter tastes of reality into the sweet seductive influence of realms left to roam free. Release the Mind and the body will follow, you may even find yourself in a snore induced Coma 😴

The lucid dream massage is for simply relaxation when you don’t want to focus on anything but feeling incredible!

Cosmic Swe-Thai Massage

Cosmic Swe-Thai Massage is a Combination of My own Art of Massage intense relaxation therapy and healing  techniques infused with table top Thai Massage Compression and Stretch techniques. It creates a harmonious balance between the two modalities for an unforgettable healing experience. 

This session is perfect for all; those on the move, and those stuck at the desk. It helps restore balance to your energy, increases fluidity in movement and flexibility, improves circulations in stiff muscles,  reduces soreness in muscles due to workouts or overworking, promotes joint health, and decreases tension in Mind, Body and Spirit.


Thai Massage

Thai massage is performed on a comfortable Traditional Thai Massage Floor Mat.  Thai Massage uses ancient stretching and massage techniques to leave you feeling free and relaxed. The essence of a Thai Massage session is a fusion between Yoga and Meditation bringing balance and harmony to your well being. Thai Massage also increases flexibility, range of motion and energy as it improves circulation. Although Thai Massage may seem vigorous it is Thoroughly relaxing and leaves you with an overall sense of Tranquility and Oneness.

I personally recommend Thai Massage for “almost” everyone with consideration of physical limitations and contraindications.

Thai Massage Requires Loose fitting or fitness flexible attire. It is done on the floor mar which requires physical mobility and some level of flexibility. Some movements include bending, twisting, kneeling and standing after lying for an extended period of time.

Also Upon request A Thai Massage can be performed almost anywhere. And I am available for Thai Massage at Shelby Farms, Riverside or your local park or living room. Be sure to schedule in advance. Text me and request to speak with me directly before booking.